youth delinquency •When i got this link above from a friend on bbm i felt unsettled within me on what our youth system is turning into. What are we lacking? Is it family dis-orientation,peer group,government or WHAT. The youth system is decaying with high rate in crimes,cultism,cybercrime,ritualism,international drug trafficking,abuse of drugs,homosexuality(Gay/Lesbian) The latest report suggested 68.8% of youth are related to either one or more of this social delinquency. Is our government destroying our future or we are decaying it maybe we don’t want to be there afterall. We need to remember that even God help those who help themselves.:|


I had felt and realize what is failure, it is an epidemic that tends to destroy a mans life and reflects his flaws. Yet it stand as a process to stand to those that understand the prime of success. We need to accept that as we walk on this long road with consciousness and BELIEVE!!! I say to you, that sun will not dry our blood but dry out our mistakes and when night come our tales will be told not as fantasy but as visionaries
who journey with WISDOM to reform, transform and attain a better NIGERIA. NIGERIA koni daru ooooo. From Sir Lawrenzo price

The truth is we can live forever. Not becos of our importance to our society but how the people of the future holds us in their heart. Lawrenzo 2013

August 28 1963, An American activist and freedom fighter Martin Luther King Junior delivered a speech I HAVE A DREAM in which he called to an end to racism it was a defining moments in America and this leads to liberation in America.
Nigeria has waited so long for a promising nation. Despite hardship, societal problems, personal problems and unfamiliar governmental policies we encounter still yet we can connect to build a defining future and when we are gone we will live in the heart of the future as heroes past and we shall not be in vain because we are legend who never dies. With joy in my heart join me in the struggles of a defining a promising future follow me on this site Lawrenzo price the SOCIAL MOTIVATOR;)